
02 88094986

Our Mission

Empowering people through choices and control


It's about caring, not just health care. That's why we're here to help get you back to doing the things that you love. We pride ourselves in providing quality service without compromise. We go above and beyond to ensure that you feel safe and free at home. We assist our participants with all activities of daily living where our assistance is required as prescribed by the participant. OACS work with the collaboration with other health professionals such as Psychiatrists, Dieticians, Psychologist, Podiatrist etc and there is broad range of supports we provide to a participant’s significant and permanent functional impairment and assist them to undertake activities of daily living. These supports are provided individually to participants and can be provided in a range of environments, including, but not limited to, the participant’s own home. OACS shall develop innovative and flexible opportunities within the community to support individual’s choice and control. Empowering people through education and community networks, people were then transitioned to independent accommodation with minimal assistance. We will actively facilitate and value the involvement of people with disability in our organisational governance and policy and program development. We will recognise and support all means and modes of communication of choice, including via sign languages,

augmentative communication, communication technologies and live communication support, to ensure our voices are heard and understood. We help our participants reach their goals and aspirations. We will be collaborative and supportive in our relationships within the disability rights movement, at the local, regional, state and national levels. We will be accountable for our activities to our members, to people with disability generally, and to the public. We will always act with honesty and integrity.

OACS’s mission is to help you reach your individual goals by matching you with a support worker that meets your preference and has the right expertise. We know that everyone has different preference which is why we take our time during the matching process to make sure you are comfortable with this person and can connect with them. We provide support to many individuals with a range of intellectual, social and physical abilities in all stages of life and specialise in:
